Wednesday , 19 February 2025


Crystal foils ,pre-patterned resin-based films are ready to transfer in the leather industry and allows soft-touch effects.

Crystal foils reach more than 500 varieties of texture pattern, flower, animal patterns and geometric patterns.

Crystal Foil Applications

It is commonly used in women’s ,children’s and men’s clothing, home textiles, shoes, handbags, accessories, T-shirts printing.

Leather tanneries, leather finishing companies and printing companies use crystal foils.

Genuine and artifical leather, suede, nappa and fur is commonly applied on. Velvet, Linen or textured fabrics can be applied too but there may be some loss at fine pattern dots.


Total thickness of film and resin is 100-200 micron. Normally resin color is tarnsparent but can be manufacture as beige, brown, white and black.

Orders are supplied from manufacturer at reasonable period.

The width is 150cm or 160cm inner paper core diameter 3″. Available lengths are 200mts or 400mts.

Application Parameters

For partial transfer, parameters are temperature 150C, pressure 6 bar, duration 5 sec. For continous rotary printing, temp. 160C, pressure 6bar, speed of stamp 3-5mts/min. After transfer, carrier film should not be seperated soon. It is suitable after 3-4 hours than stamp process, for seperating of carrier film easily. For quick seperate of carrier film, it should be cooled below 5C to make resin state solid for an easy seperation.

It is also available to stamp foil onto crystal foil around 140-150C. The best parameters can be change according to workshop real conditions.

Application Method

1.Put on Crystal foil onto fabric or leather.

2.For leather stamp press, presure:100bar, temp: 110℃, duration: 3sec.

3.Partial fabric press, pressure: 6bar, temp:150C, duration: 5-6sec.

4.Rotary stamping machines, pressure: 6bar, temp:150-160℃, speed:3-6mts/min.

5.Stamped products must be cooled down at 5C.

6.If there is no cooling process, it is needed 4-5 hours after transfer to seperate carrier film.

7.Crystal foils can be used as original transparent effect, or can be colored by tansferring of hot stamping foil.

Crystal Foil Printing

Crytal Foil Groups

► Transparent

► Color Resin

► Matte

► 3D Crystal-Multi

► Foiled

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